
Friday 8 February 2013

Desire & Advertisement

Advertisement is part of online world. Advertisement serves to sell. Before a person buys, her desire must be stirred. An advertisement serves the buyer, promising to fulfil her need.

I have thought of online advertisement for some time since 2007. To use the fact that people buys when they see something that they want. In such a case, youTube has a better chance of serving her user in the form

1. In the short video
2. Display small sign for the use to stop the video
3. Once video is pause, the advertisement related to the static screen appears
4. User can click the link to view the related products film in the video
5. Or he can view them later at the end of the movie

An advertisement that show at the end of the movie is more useful than having the advertisement before the show. It irritates the consumers. In online youtube, users will just click away. Once the clip ends, immediately shows related products links. And users click the link and buy, there is the commission. I think this is the future of youtube or online newspaper.

Adsense gets it right. Using the content of the website, mainly the words, it displays reverent ads. When i read news about a minister appointed to hong kong board, I am like to see travel to hong kong ads.

Ads for transport app has location advantage. In London, easily 4 million people will use the app. Advertisement will be more effective when it can display ads based on location. For example, at a location near to a polytechnic, a online game ads will be more effective.

So it is advertised based on what is nearby. At the moment, admob does not take into location as much as I think so or the number of advertiser is still very small to use location.

I have a mosquito lamp but I do not know how to sell it. But if there is a dengue cluster in Serangoon, and the users are checking bus arrival in that area, the users will benefit to see that new mosquito lamp can help in his peaceful sleep.

The location condition determines the local need. Economy occurs when there is a difference in supply at different location. There are many oil product in the US in 1870. These products will naturally flow to the east who does not have the oil and want them after seeing its use.

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