

I am an individual programmer, interested in art and music and have a master in engineering.

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  1. I'm not sure who to contact but the NYC Bus Time app does not work for the M86-SBS route in Manhattan. It has never worked. When the route is opened you just get a blank white page. Hopefully this can be fixed. Thanks!

  2. I live by this app but now I'm having a problem I can look at the buses in my area Now I have to find what bus is in the area and look them up individually which is time consuming how do I fix this

  3. App is not working at all. Only shows bus list not map.

  4. Hi! Please help! I recently restored my iPhone and I lost this app - now it's no longer in the App Store and it didn't transfer from my restore. Is there anyway you can send me a link to download it? Or send me the app itself? It was my favorite and I used it everyday for my bus commute to and from work. It worked perfectly, too!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You had the best bus app for MTA in NYC - too bad apple removed it from the istore - are you still on android - Imight have to switch phones - the MTA app is not as good as yours.

  7. London UK The Problem I have Now is it just keeps Crashing the second I open it. I've deleted and re installed it a few times, still the same. I've used this app for some years it worked reasonably well ( except for it did very often locate the bus stop even though I was standing right next to it.
    This was easily rectified.)

  8. SG Buses Delight 2 with Widget
    - seem to be missing the first bus of each bus stop
