
Wednesday 13 February 2013

A personal competition

There is an new app that I starts beginning of the year. And a strong competitor.

I design my own layout and icon while he copies the official authority icon and uses their official screenshot. He is doing it on web app.

The downloads different between him and me is 10 times. He gets to 10k and I have only 1000 download. He uses a very good name. That is in jan 2013.

In feb 2013, he has grow to 150 rating while I am still 10 times lesser. He comes up with a very good nearby page that I love so much.

And I have tested to use the official logo and have similar name. He is risking to put the authority name on the app!

Not only he is a big taker, he is a fast and creative programmer. I should have my app to have the good nearby page at the end of feb 2013.

I really admire American businessman. Full of energy, simplified ideas and daring to copy. :)

Even I am losing in the race, I fully admire his design. I hope I have many things that I can learn from him.

I wonder why he has 10 times my download? It should not be as we are closing into similar icon and app design.

What is the winning factor? There are many possibilities..!

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