
Thursday 27 June 2013


In my dream, my destiny tells me that its will is to help my sister, Esther, mother and then father business in programming. Finally I am to help the world.

How many people does Eastman benefit? A world. 400 million. Ford? 300 million. Esso 750 million. Steve 200 million. Mozart 30 million as there is a copy issue. Edison 50 million as he could not monopolize an industry. 50 000 people and that is still 20 times to a million. 8000 times to Eastman level.

Larger vision that every one uses my app. It has win competition. And provides best quality in beauty, speed, simple and fun.,a company where programmer, designer and artist can use their natural talents and yet make a good living.

I dream of serving a million people in New York, a million in London and a million in Singapore. My best is ahead of me.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

NYC subway game app

- request for offline underground use
- up and down arrow beside line
- timing is download for train C k server down.. Remove manual refresh

- to submit another version of NYC iOS targeting middle age users and women. No click.
- change London tube to departure board

- learning animation k manage to get accurate positioning of trains. The key is top left.
- get 3 sprites. K. Animation ok!
- going for electronic ads..! 080713 label animates..! K
- check on competitor reviews

- got 2 reviews in a day. One nice. One crash.
- I need to have a pull down refresh.

240613 download tool, first tutorial
250613 think design
270613 design 1 stop page. transparent app, read iOS animation. To do moving ads, do a transparent window and move the text image upward.
280613 stop dict, nearby stop

- change sg mrt delight - train map & time singapore k
- auto refresh for iOS 6 sg mrt k

// core app
- create stop page with GPS k
- create scroll button k
- create line page to stop k 290613
- add save k 290613
- add edit k 020713
- add line change k 290613
- add status
- new page with GPS k

- refresh when pull down k
- no refresh when reach bottom k
- next page refresh k
- auto refresh 2 min 020713
- submit text version 020713
- Jose tests app 020713

- use basic iOS to draw
- orientation to portrait k
- draw font k
- sprite for train k
- add line A
- sprite for timing on train
- background platform k
- label for station k
- animation for sprite
- animation for ads
- add in location to stop page
- add in fav to scroll page
- add in line to stop page
- add in status

- do I need a nearby page?
No. Show a stop at that location. GPS is used to quickly find a stop without user click.

- do I need favorite?
Yes. For quick access to time for a stop. I do not want to wait for GPS every time.

In the beginning there is nothing. Then use GPS, get a stop. A stop page is formed. If GPS found a different stop, a new page is formed. Now change to scroll to a new page that auto GPS.

- do I need lines table?
My users are uncle. If GPS return a wrong station, how to get the right one? Use search?

- do I need a status page?
No. The status is in the stop page.

- do I need a quick line change?

- what I want in an app?
Beautiful and useful. Pretty is more important than usefulness. It is the first test whether consumer will stop and look. It attracts users to try it. If a product is ugly, nobody will even want to touch it.

- done on actual 6 train on NYC train app k
- need to opacity to 0 animation k
- the yellow page dot is ugly at first stage k

- reduce train size by 10% k by Jose
- redraw platform. Draw about 10 times. K
- fix label animation k
- add label click to rate k
- marketing k only an hour !!! Take me from 24 jun to 16 jul. Almost 3 weeks to design, build and test but only an hour to market title, icon, description and submit. This is crazy! K

Friday 21 June 2013

One bird one stone

- You have the power to change things by touching the present moment.

- Past and future do not exist without you. Everything you need for your life are directly in front of you in the present moment.

) how can my need in front of me. I need a ground floor house and cooling place to do my work. I live on high floor and it is so hot whole day. In the present moment, I cannot find a cool place to work.

) many design companies have the ability to win competitions but they are not open to other places. They are limited to their location.

- we learn to sit physically. Once that happens, our breathing naturally settles into a harmonious cycle. As body and breath settle down, the mind settles into its own smooth and natural functioning. Our noisy minds gives way to the clarity and naturalness of our true selves. In this way we come to know who we really are and what our life and death really is.

) it is very similar to kobun purpose of sitting. It is to find the meaning of life, to know who we are and where we are. We can have a light in our mind.

- no more reading. Who are you?

) why is this question so important? We sit to find the answer to this question. If I say I am a designer, so what. I become a designer. We become what we imagine. If you know your nature, you can use it. And it will be fully developed. If you know the other person, you can use her. And live happily with her.

Book of death

- ab represents what a man may come to know of the world and himself in silent meditation.

) similar to zen sit to know who am I and where am I. The second questions relates to the world. If you know the world and yourself, you can change the world. Meditation is the path to changing the world! Enlightenment by combining Steve biography, Steve video, kobun teaching and book of the death.

) she uses the bus and train yesterday. It is not going away.

- Beautiful is man in his moments in time, a thousand beads of thought on a white string.

) the moment has all you need. Be here now. Kobun book.

- if words could be uttered precisely, in proper sequence and proper intonation, those words could produce magical effects.

) I feel it when the man says my sold tab is old. His wife says she has not test the voice call. These words cut! Can a zen transform these negative vibration into positive. I think apple will win eventually. The advice of design makes the world different.

- The awe of awakening unto a new day, or perhaps a new self.

) I used to wake up feeling horrible during the darkest days if my life. Now I wake up unsure of what am I suppose to do. How to make the business pay? Can every moment be new? The beauty and fear of waking up each morning.

) I am mindful that many uncle and aunt could not know when the bus is coming. It is my purpose to create apps that tell them when the bus is coming without any click. These are the people who are being left out in the information revolution. My app is a light to their wait.

) I am mindful there are unexpected event for train timing. It is light to be informed the train will never come. Ios7 is the key.

) I am mindful that blind people wants to take the bus. And app can tell them verbally. Alert of mrt tells lady that her train has come.

- let me always know the reason for my becoming.

- this day I make myself anew. I am given to know things I knew not yesterday.

- As he cares for the children, so is he cared for in his old age. What goes around comes around, and so the great wheel turns.

- A man reaps what he sows. What he dreams of shall come to pass. Before the world formed it was the Great One's idea, and so a man is careful about what he wishes. He knows his death is but another harvest. His life is spent nourishing his people.

) it seems that what a person wish for, it will eventually come true. However it may come in a totally unexpected way. And it may comes many years later.

- Name yourself in your heart and know who you are.

) designer, inventor, creator, businessman. Bring bus and train time to everyone. Lady. Old people. Blind. Disabled. Children. A leader that has loyal followers for life.

- Though we pass quickly, the earth and heaven remain. Lets us make something useful with our hands. Though time forgets us, let it not forget our passing. Grant that today we may do work that matters.

) I may be gone quickly, I hope to left behind a company that continues providing service and making life better for 300 years.

) eames is gone but his design is still widely copied by Ikea when I see his look alike chair at Balestier. I hope my app will continue after I am gone too. I don't mind dying a poor man then.

- I know the future for us and it is death. We gather our seeds. We put our hearts into the labor of our hands. We make children to live and remember us. We spend our lives preparing for death.

) what is the meaning when we all end up dying? Put heart into our work. Holding to our dream. Creating great work.

- when a man's life ends, his body is given back to gods and the gods shall see what use their laws have been. They shall see the deeds its hands have made, the sparks of light its heart set in the world. They shall see whether or not their love, their powers have been wasted, whether its plants it has grown were nourishing or poison.

) can a man's work spark light in the world? Can a man's company make others better?

- And I shall go on believing in light, for only light and love denied can make the faces of women so terrible.

) women becomes ugly when love is denied to her.

- I have done what god willed for me.

- Oh what joy it was once to be young! When all a man had to do was eat and sweat and make love to his wife. But that was not even the height of my powers. I learned more or less in time to weigh my words, to conserve my actions, even at last to suppress my will, ah! But never to deny my feeling.

) should I go into game app? A way to present bus time and ads. A way for ladies and old man to use. It is His will.

- when the moon is full, it shall grow thin. This is a story of a life. A man learns nature is not always kind. Nature acts according to nature. Crocodiles eat fish and no one can be blamed. A man takes his fortunes in stride. He sees that gods surround him, but most days he walks his path alone. With one foot always forward, a man reaches heaven.

- The quieter you become the more you can hear.

- Be quieter still and let the will speak through you.

- Great is the power of the human heart to love, to change, to make new.

- The joy of creating is the joy of forgetting everything else.

- The earth is a small globe created by thoughts, mine and those of others.

- I sit in the garden listening to birds. I do what my heart tells me. My thoughts leap visible as light.

) I like to sit in the garden. But the mosquito is annoying. I hope to create a mobile lamp to fight them. A card size that I can carry to go.

- what I hate is ignorance, smallness of imagination, the eye that sees no father than its own lashes. All things are possible.

- Who you are is limited only by who you think you are.

- Beauty is. All things are possible. What we imagine comes to pass. Thought finds its form. My heart contains all I am, all flood of love, all thoughts invisible and vital as air.

- No greater joy exists than a walk among gardens, smelling herbs and flowers.

- Your work is its will.

- What I have seen with the eye has been fantasy but what I have known with the heart has been truth.

- Being. Creation and destruction.

) when I am sick, I am in the moment. Every second is long and painful.

- No man comes home unless he knows in his soul who he is.

) another statement on the importance of knowing who you are. You become god when you know who you are and express your god nature.

) I am a designer. When I see a great design, it is not only good to look at but also good to use. The iPhone stylus. Easy to detach and use. Simple design. I want to create app like that. Good to look at. And easy to use.

- With my hands I make visible thoughts. I create the world every day. Each moment the moment begin again.

- we are gods in the body of god, truth and love our destinies. Go then and make of the world something beautiful, set up a light in the darkness.

) I am so surprise to find so many meaning in Egypt book literature. I hope I read them earlier. These law applies today.

- Gods live in the hands of men and the hearts of women and in the land of wonder. To honor gods we must make of the world something good.

I am grateful just for a sunny day

The haze taught me to be grateful. It is a good time. I can breathe.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Dublin bus

A study of Dublin bus on 200613

- rank 2 in Dublin bus
- rank 3 in bus Dublin
- only 5 free apps

- 70 admob visit a day.. 40 cents
- 500 000 daily ridership

- 25 download a day
- $11 a month. 1900 visits. 40 cents daily

- my dublin bus
- 12 mb
- no ads
- 2 times a day for 5 days a week

- all competitive apps are better than mine. They are native. 2 new apps have appear. One is Chinese. The other is a local design app. Main purpose is ii advertise for its app company.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Ray Kroc

I was 52 years old. I had diabetes and arthritis. I had lost my gall bladder. But I was convinced that the best was ahead of me. I was still green and growing.

I spent a lot of time thinking about things. I imagine all kinds of situations and how I would handle them. Just thinking. When I was in high school and would come home all excited about some scheme I'd thought up. I never considered my dreams wasted energy; they were invariably linked to some form of action.

When I dreamed about having a lemonade stand, it was not long before I set up a lemonade stand.

What you think and dream will come true. It is a natural law. How long it takes to happen? Lemonade takes a few weeks. McDonald to be the biggest takes 20 years. In the business of hamburger.

That night in my motel room I did a lot of heavy thinking about what I had seen during the day. Visions of McDonald's restaurant sitting crossroads all over the country paraded through my brain.

It follows, obviously, that a man must take advantage of any opportunity that comes along, and I have always done that, too. I saw opportunity appear in the form of an ugly milk shake machine. It was not easy to give up security to strike out on my own.

One of the reasons his lease idea worked so well was that in the late fifties we did not have the fierce competition for commercial fringe property.

You have to spend money to make money.

The situation he forced us into is a good example of how adversity can strengthen you if you have the will to grind it out.

Perhaps the most positive result of the Bohr fiasco, was that it gave us courage to borrow heavily so we could expand McDonald's more rapidly.

The thing that has made this country great is our free enterprise system. If we have to resort to bringing in the government to beat our competition, then we deserve to go broke. If we cannot do it by offering a better 15 cent hamburger, by being better merchandisers, by providing faster services and a cleaner place, then I would rather be broke tomorrow and out of this business and start all over again in something else.

If I cannot offer a more useful app, a better looking icon, a faster timing, a more update route, a smaller app, a simpler app, then I should be out if the app business. I think I miss out the beauty and fun element.

My way of fighting the competition is the positive approach. Stress your own strengths, emphasize quality, service, cleanliness and value, and the competition will wear itself out trying to keep up.

Stress my strength in usefulness, speed, simplicity and sex.

I never hesitate to spend money in advertising and public relations, because I can see it coming back to me with interest. Of course, it comes back in different forms, and that may be the reason a begrudger cannot appreciate it. He has a narrow vision that allows him to see income only in terms of cash in his register. A child who loves our tv commercials and brings her grandparents to a McDonalds gives us two more customers. This is a direct benefit generated by advertising dollars.

Entering competition is important in London as there are 50 over bus app. Being the first will be priceless advertising and direct download. People don't care about anything other than top 2.

"I might have a successful restaurant," Art says, "but I'd have to think what it would cost me as an individual to buy the services I get from the corporation. The name itself is worth a lot, of course. National advertising with Art's Place? No way. Then there's purchasing power, hamburger u. Training for my manager, product development.. How could I do all that alone?

In an app, there is a write up marketing, a icon design, a name, coding, app development, server for timing, support, advertising income, public relation, provider relationship, changes in way of transportation route, schedule. Etc. it seems the only hard thing is the development of a time server.

Until the early 1970s, McDonalds was expanding almost exclusively in the suburbs. Yet for quite a while it had been spending a great deal on national advertising that was creating a latent, national wide demand for its product.

I believe that if you think small, you'll stay small.

In big cities with all kinds of shops and restaurants, you are only one of thousands of choices. But when you go into areas where there is nothing to do on Sunday afternoon, and people do not know how to spend their free time, your rate of frequency will go up dramatically. And there are literally thousands of areas like this where the monotony index is very high. These are people forgotten by industry and bypassed by superhighways and shopping centers. Yet they are important to us.

I try 20 apps. But they cannot compete eventually. Large city like London has 30 bus apps and 50 train apps. My app cannot be found. Small city like Dublin, there are only 5 apps. And they are all better than mine as time goes by. The income is only peanut a month in Dublin while that at London is 15 times. Why are the white more creative than Asian apps? Is it because of the cool weather. Or the fun loving? There is no local advantage at London or Dublin while I am in Asia. The west is free society while Asia is control society.

Can an app be beauty, simple, fun and addictive? My strength is speed, simple and style. What about the fun factor? I want a team of programmer, artist, designer and marketer. Does knowing the location of the bus fun?

280613 as I think of my cousin, I mistaken. And later she appears. What you think of. It will come to pass.

Yet I always admired Harry and liked what he said about getting out of the kitchen if you cannot stand the heat.

I believe in spending my money in useful ways.

You have always been a dreamer. A lot of people would say I'm dreaming. Well, they'd be right. I've been dreaming all my life. I'm dreaming about new things for McDonalds international operation. I still work for the company every day at the jobs I know and like best - developing new menu items and new real estate projects.

Where there is no risk, there can be no pride in achievement and, consequently, no happiness.

In 1983, McDonald's now serves 19 million people daily in its more than 9400 restaurants around the world.

Kroc has revolutionized an entire food service industry. Who among us is not now less tolerant of slow service, overpriced meals, soggy French fries, or a lack of cleanliness in eating place?

Aunt has the comfort when she knows the bus is coming in ten minutes! It is a peace of mind. Provide Spark of light to every users.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Large vision

It was their larger vision of needs, and ways and means to fulfill them that accounted for their success.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

App issue 130613

- sg buses delight has a swipe to view stop. Some find it too slow. A page to see all bus stop. The cause is the location by network is inaccurate. Use a list with stop and bus services for network location. Use page for GPS location. 140613
- sg mrt delight. cancel button not responsive. K 160613
- add schedule to NYC buses. K
- nearest and nearby list combined. K
- no rating if got favorite. To rate when add the third favorite. K
- reduce list view 7 sec to 3 sec. K
- fix nyc bus bx1 bus not found.. Start on 170613. End on 180613.
- add feedback button mrt. Facebook not working.
- fix sg buses iOS time k
- study us disability design
- rework nyc subway iOS

Monday 10 June 2013

App vs website

App is more convenient to use on a phone that to surf website on a laptop.

On a phone, app is bigger. Website is too small. Facebook on laptop has more feature. But the site is too small on a phone.

App is faster than mobile site. 5 sec to load safari and 5 sec to load site.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Cause is time and place

As the current comes to the shore, I wonder the cause. The cause is not at the shore. It is from the passing boat at the middle is the river. And the cause is not longer there.

The cause of my cough is acid in my stomach. There are chocolate that I eat one day earlier.

I am determine to be cough free for next six month.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Competition nature

There are 15 companies doing vehicle tracking locally. I heard the first company starts in 2005 and is the biggest now. The second starts 3 years ago. It seems there is a first mover advantage as in app business.

- which company will survive after 20 years? I do not want to use a system that will not be available in the future.
- which company has many users? Who are they? The more users the more reliable the company.
- is there any demo or trial for me to test the software? I do not want a difficult to use system,
- is there a free device and only pay by subscription? Is such model sustainable?
- is there any government claim filed on behalf of my company?
- which company can I remember? Vtrk
- I do not use google search. I use Ida recommended list.
- Singtel and Cisco are in it. But they have so many area that they cannot provide the best services. They do not even respond to my request. They are slow to act and not interested in small companies.